Pay it forward

When I had IBS I looked for success stories of other people who had overcome their condition.

It is dangerous to get a diagnosis that has not viable solution. It can put you in a bad psychological and mental state where you doubt if self healing is possible.

I did so much trial and error during the 6 years when I was sick and finally, I found the right help and I was completely better 1 year later. Food allergies are gone. The immune system in top shape and never having to worry about my gut again.

Since then I have been paying it forward by helping other people recover their digestive health and rebalance their gut. I know from personal experience that doubt and fear is the thing that can hold people back from finding their solution and getting relief.

My aim with this page is to keep paying it forward by putting some inspiring success stories in one place.

How Leena beat SIBO without an antimicrobial protocol

In this video, Leena shares what worked for her to beat fatigue, bloat and mysterious digestive issues. 

While everyone is different Leena shares a different way to approach gut healing. 

This 25 minute conversation will raise your awareness of what to focus on and why healing is always in your hands. 

This is a must see if you have healing blind spots.  

To learn more about Leena’s story ..go here >>> 

How Mary beat SIBO with an elemental diet

Mary shares her experience using the elemental diet to clear methane dominant SIBO. When several tries with herbs did not seem to help, Mary decided to try the elemental diet, a medical food that feeds the person while starving bacteria. 

Many people are intimidated to do this liquid diet because it involves not eating solid food for 2 to 3 weeks. 

The elemental diet should always be done under supervision but Mary’s story can help demystify the experience and show what to expect.

The elemental diet can also be done partially to speed healing or to help ease digestive flares.  

Find out more about how Mary cleared her SIBO with the elemental diet here….Read more >>> 

How Ingrid beat silent reflux (LPR)

My series of client success stores are intended to teach about digestive health topic like silent reflux, h. pylori and parasites and how real people got over them. 

What worked for one person will not work for everyone, but when you recognize your own challenges in a success story, it creates a mindset of hope and possibility. 

In my experience, the first step towards improving symptoms and gut health is the belief that it is possible. 

Belief is foundational for healing, that’s why I’m now helping clients rewire self-sabotaging beliefs using hypnosis. 

Read how Ingrid addressed h. pylori and parasites and reversed bloating, silent reflux and inflammation naturally. Read more >>>

silent reflux succes story

How Myra got rid of bloating due to SIBO

Myra suffered from horrible bloating and IBS symptoms with alternating diarrhea and constipation. And many food intolerances.

She tried all kinds of diets with no success. Gluten-free, dairy-free and even the low FODMAP diet did not help 100 percent. The only thing that helped in the short term was fasting, but the symptoms returned when she started eating again. Read more >>>

Dvir IBS success story (h.pylori and SIBO)

I started having food allergies that gradually became worse and worse from age 23 to 26. One day I’d feel great and another day I’d feel horrible.

But the trend was overall downward and I got more and more concerned about it. I lived in Asia for 7 years eating a diet I wasn’t supposed to eat and I was having a high-stress lifestyle being a workaholic and always pushing myself to the limit. I neglected getting sun, relaxing, etc. Read more >>>

How Casey beat h. pylori naturally

The common symptoms of h pylori are upper GI symptoms like reflux/GERD, stomach pain, nausea, excess mucus/ hoarse voice and burping, but Casey did not have any of those.

Instead her h. pylori infection led her to develop SIBO (overgrowth of bacteria in her small intestine) and a yeast overgrowth, called candida.

I see this commonly in my practice. The reason that some people can’t get rid of SIBO or candida, despite many aggressive treatments, is because the root cause, h. pylori, is still there, driving the overgrowth. Read more >>>

Can you heal IBS? Val did.

To say I was in a desperate state when I contacted Angela is an understatement. At that point, I had already been suffering with IBS for about 4 years after a terrible gut infection called C-Diff, which I contracted after heavy antibiotic use from an infection.

The C-diff infection even led me to get a temporary form of arthritis called “Reactive Arthritis”.

At only 26, my body was a mess but I learned to live with it. I had done some cleansing and diet adjustments along the way which did help some but never provided true relief. Read more >>>

M.L. beats IBS by eradicating h. pylori

Early this year, I was suffering a severe case of abdominal pain related to IBS. I suspected my symptoms could be related to SIBO. The pain would wake me up every morning at 3 am, level 3 as I called it, enough to create a constant discomfort with room for anxiety as my mind was only focusing on how my gut was doing with no room for any other thought. Read more >>>

Katya’s IBS Healing Success story (Giardia)

Katya decided to take the pharmaceutical approach to both the intestinal parasite and to SIBO, and it worked well for her. 

Most importantly, she knew exactly which pathogen she aimed to kill, so she could targeted the medication to the bug.

Along with the medications, she continued with her Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle changes, to support healing. 

Different approaches work for different people. While many of my clients have experienced a worsening of symptoms after antibiotics, Katya’s targeted pharmaceutical approach worked well for her. Read more >>>

Kristen’s IBS success story & advice “test don’t guess”

My digestive problems started straight out of the womb. As a child, I struggled with bloating and constipation and in college, I ended up with an IBS diagnosis following an emergency room trip for intense abdominal pain.

After that, I spent the next ten years having lots of fun, traveling, hiking in Colorado, building my career, and taking days off work whenever my pain got too bad.

At 30, I was married with a 10 year old step-son and my symptoms started changing. Instead of just pain, I started having extreme bloating as well as alternating constipation and diarrhea. Read more >>>

How Crystal reduced her thyroid antibodies by healing her gut (Hashimotos, h.pilory)

Hashimotos thyroiditis is one of the most common autoimmune disease, particularly for women. A slow thyroid can also lead to digestive issues, making it a chicken and egg problem that worsens the function of both the thyroid and the gut.

It was so rewarding to work with a good friend who was so dedicated to her healing. I opened up the world of functional medicine to her and she did the hard work. Read more >>>

Sasha’s IBS success story

After Sasha’s gall bladder surgery, she thought that her digestion would improve. Instead she developed new uncomfortable digestive symptoms such as food sensitivities, bloating, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Before working with me Sasha exhausted all her options with her gastroenterologist. Her tests came back negative and in normal ranges.

Her doctor suggested a low FODMAP diet to manage her IBS symptoms, but she felt even worse on the diet. She kept following it anyway for lack of anything better to do. Read more >>>

Selina's IBS success story using function lab testing

I developed a fear of food.  I anticipated getting sick to my stomach upon putting anything into my mouth, so I chose to eat as little as possible.  I lost about 15 lbs very quickly and along with losing the weight, I lost my menstrual cycle and energy.”

She increased food variety and diversity and introduced some moderate FODMAP foods that she could tolerate.

Learning to diversify her diet and relax around eating improved her digestive function. And as her gut improved her anxiety diminished. Our relationship with food needs to be addressed along with diet and supplements. Read more >>>

Rebecca’s IBS success story

I’ve always been a very healthy person. From an early age, health and fitness became my passion. Eventually these led me to opening my own gym. My goal was to help others and to live a life that represented what I taught to them.

For many years I felt amazing. Even in my 40’s I could keep up with people much younger than me, and I felt proud of the way I looked.

About two years ago, that all ended. I had no clue what was happening to my body. Suddenly I felt sick a lot, and my stomach was so bloated and distended that it was physically uncomfortable. Read more >>>

The best gut healing advice and Anna's IBS success story

I’d been sick a long time – way before I knew I was sick.

My relationship with food was unhealthy from an early age. Plagued with pop-culture ideas of being fat, I developed a shameful and secretive bulimia pattern – this cycle “allowed” me to eat “bad” foods that made me feel gross, but then get rid of the guilt, fear, and pain. I’d eat a massive white chocolate frozen yogurt in a waffle cone, then take a walk and purge my shame into my neighbor’s bushes. Read more >>>

My story: How I eliminated 6 years of IBS with diet and lifestyle changes

When Angela Privin’s IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) began affecting her quality of life, she approached healing like a job – literally. She took a break from work and spent a year focused exclusively on getting better.

In fact, addressing her stress proved just as essential to healing as the diet and supplements she chose.

“It was a really good year for me,” she says. “I took time off from working, focused on learning how to cook and took care of myself.” Read more >>>

A SIBO/IBS success story & my favorite probiotics

Because SIBO is a bacterial issue, the right probiotics can help tremendously. Probiotics are a a tricky subject for SIBO sufferers because their efficacy depends largely on picking the right one. Most probiotics contain lactobacillus and this strain can make SIBO worse.

In the video, Rebecca mentioned the two probiotics that made the most difference for her. They were Megasporbiotic and prescript assist. Read more >>>

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