How Ashley stopped bloating and got pregnant

I share success stories on my site because when we know and see what’s possible it helps move us past the doubt and resistance that keeps us stuck. 

We have all tried various things that haven’t helped, and what works for one person doesn’t work for everyone, but Ashley’s story teaches about the power of raising awareness about what’s really going on with your body. When you know you can make strategic choices to address it.

Ashley worked on lowering cortisol, improving mindset and supporting her adrenals with mineral balancing and stress reduction.

This finally allowed her body to shift into healing mode, getting rid of symptoms from h. pylori and SIBO.

A big mistake people make is pushing their burned out body to heal with supplement protocols and cutting out foods.

A hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) test measures if there is enough cellular energy for healing. A body with low cellular energy (in a state of burnout) won’t heal. Instead it prioritizes survival. 

Success stories not only inspire but also to teach. Ashley’s story teaches us about the healing power of mindset work and nervous system regulation. You can’t regulate your nervous system if you don’t know it’s out of balance. Ashley did not know her cortisol or nervous system were the problem.

How Ashley got into healing mode

Ashley purchased my 4 months mind and body package that include the GI Map stool test, the SIBO breath test and an HTMA test. Her GI Map revealed h. Pylori, the SIBO test was positive for hydrogen and methane overgrowth and her HTMA test showed high cortisol and low cellular energy. 

Ashley developed digestive issues after the stress of planning a big wedding, followed by a close family member getting sick and dying. 

As a charge nurse she’s used to dealing with stress, so she didn’t think these huge life events were responsible for her gut issues. She got through that stress and grief, with her gut issues as her current biggest stressors.

And she was having trouble getting pregnant which added to the stress.

When Ashley saw the results of the HTMA she realized how much of a toll her life has taken on her. High cortisol and burn out, which weakened her immune system and raised inflammation. 

Ashley realized that she had to address her nervous system and mental health to recover. 

While we also addressed the SIBO and h. Pylori, we first made sure her body was in a state to recover.

What Ashley did

Supported adrenals and nervous system by replenishing minerals.

Most days she did a guided meditation at home called yoga nidra. It gets the body out of flight or flight and rest and digest.

She did acupuncture to boosts immunity and allow energy flow freely through the body, breaking up tension from past stressors. 

Lastly, she recited positive affirmations to herself every morning.

This mental and physical support bolstered her emotional resilience. 

In her own words Ashley describes her inner healing process. 

“ I felt very much I had to go inward and it got me out.” 

She noticed her mind was racing so she slowed down. She became more patient with herself and didn’t let small things get to her.

Working on habits and mindset helped her find the inner peace that she wasn’t even aware she needed.

According to Ashley, it wasn’t the acupuncture alone that made the difference. It was getting her mind into a place where her body could heal. 

Her body felt safe to get pregnant

As Ashley started feeling better not only did her bloating subside, but she started feeling light hearted. Then she got pregnant after many failed attempts.

In the healing process she learned how to regulate. 

Now at almost two months pregnant and free of digestive symptoms, Ashley reflects on what got her here. 

“When my body was pumping out cortisol it shut down my reproduction and digestion because they were not crucial for survival.” 

Her HTMA retest showed her stress and vitality ratio bounced back to a healthy level.

Ashley continues to take her minerals to support her adrenals and nervous system for a healthy pregnancy. Minerals and probiotics are safe for pregnancy, unlike antimicrobial herbs. 

Because she has a demanding job she is continuing to slowly take things off her plate and prioritize rest. With healing you are never really done, self care is essential to stay in balance. 

Understanding how your body is processing life stressors is crucial.

With that data-driven awareness we become present to our physical, emotional and mental stress and slowly start to make vital changes. These changes make us stronger and more resilient as the body enters a healing state. Once the body regains its resilience it know what to do. Our job is to listen to what’s off and give ourself the support we need.


Angela Privin is proof that IBS is NOT an incurable disease, but a cry for help from a gut out of balance. When the body AND mind are complaining, it’s an opportunity to examine what’s not working and change it. After solving her own IBS mystery almost two decades ago, Angela became as a health coach to help others. Angela uses root cause medicine protocols personalized to the individual to solve each IBS mystery. Her tools are lab testing, dietary changes, supplementation, subconscious mind work and nervous system rebalancing . Learn more here.