Why my clients recover

My client is success rate is pretty high, but I wanted to share my opinion about why some clients do better than others.

While I give all my clients the same care and attention, healing is a very personal experience. Clients who address their stress and regulate their nervous system do the best.

We all have different personalities, beliefs and experience that dictate how we approach life. Some of us have strategies to repress and ignore while others are more open and curious about their experience.

Our personality is just a survival strategy we developed early on and dictates how we approach healing and life.

I have noticed that some clients are in denial about their stressors. While others magnify them. No matter if the stress is conscious or subconscious, it has the same effect on the nervous system.

And a stressed nervous system will slow or prevent healing.

Below are three stories of clients who addressed conscious and subconscious stress to recover.

Perhaps their stories can help us recognize our own relationship with our nervous system.

Nervous system regulation (balancing the mind body connection) occurs when we feel safe, supported and trusting. Regulating the nervous system is a crucial part of healing, maybe more important than diet and supplements. It’s the foundation that helps diet and supplements work.

Anxiety, confusion and fear about not healing, not doing things right or failing, can stall healing. Creating a vicious cycle of more intense emotion. When those emotions are subconscious, they’re even harder to address.

Conscious and subconscious stress (thoughts, emotions) raise cortisol, contract muscles, compromise breathing, lower stomach acid and suppress immunity. Not conducive to healing.

Even when health issues don’t start in the head, emotions and psychological state can prevent healing.

The good news is that you can recognize, disrupt and rewire stress patterns by getting the support you need. Sometimes all it takes to settle your nervous system is feeling safe and taken care of.

The following stories are examples of how feeling supported and guided can make all the difference.

Getting the support you need.

Dayna (pictured above) came to me with an h. pylori diagnosis. After she did triple antibiotic therapy she got a negative h. pylori breath test at her doctor’s office. But her h. pylori symptoms never went away.

Her symptoms were typical of h. pylori: severe anxiety, fatigue, stomach burning even when drinking water, nausea, zero appetite , blood pressure issues, joint pain, right rib pain, brain fog, hair loss, rosacea, and constipation.

She took a GI Map test which showed that she still had h. pylori.

She came to me for a GI Map second opinion session. Even though her h. pylori levels were low, it was clear from her test and symptoms that the infections was causing issues for her. Levels can be low when most of the bacteria hide under biofilm. Biofilm is a protective wall that microbes build around themselves to protect from immune system and antibiotic/herbal eradication.

Dayna had extreme food fear and high health anxiety. She was overwhelmed by all the information she found on health forums and through online research.

While she bought my H. Pylori Rescue Guide she wanted personal guidance. Someone to personalize her protocol, tell her what to expect and eat and how to deal with bumps along the way.

If someone else could keep her on the right path she could just sit back and heal, instead of worrying, doubting or second guessing.

Sometimes, the more information you consume, the more stressed you are and the more you question everything. Dayna’s stress was getting in the way of her healing, as. stress tends to flare h. pylori.

Keeping her stress down was the most important thing she could do for her recovery.

Because she trusted my guidance and got every question and concern answered via email right away, her nervous system was able to settle. And that helped boost her immunity.

Addressing the nervous system and immune system is essential for recovery.

Dayna started to heal while eating more food and taking fewer supplements. Today she is feeling great and her symptoms are gone.

The lesson here is that less is more. Overloading on information can overwhelm the nervous system when there’s not enough knowledge, experience and discretion to put it in context.

Support, guidance, trust and having her questions answered right away helped Dayna safely relax into the healing process. A settled mind means a settled body, which translates into better digestion, detox and cell repair.

Connecting to subconscious triggers

Steve (not his real name) came to me after years of trying to heal SIBO and leaky gut on his own. He had tried many protocols, restricted his diet and followed online health advice to no avail.

He came to me for a GI Map second opinion session and we decided to do a hypnosis session to resolve any subconscious healing blocks.

During the session, he became aware of emotional triggers that had nothing to do with his health, but were effecting his self confidence and trust. It created habits and beliefs that prevented him from moving forward in his life and health.

The health issues were a protection that kept him safe from risk. Once he realized what was going on he was able to take the right action. The health issues that plagued him for years began to dissolve without dietary or herbal interventions. He stopped restricting his diet and felt increased confidence in his body.

The subconscious is geared to keeping us safe, even if that safety creates misery. So he created new ways to feel safe in his life, that did not feel miserable.

Hypnosis brought the subconscious self sabotage to the surface and revealed the positive intention of the symptoms he struggled with for years. They were there to prevent deeper emotional pain.

Understand the strategies of your subconscious, allows you to rewire those strategies and choose better ways of protecting yourself. You can be safe AND happy AND healthy at the same time.

Calming subconscious stress

Rose came to me with a tremendous amount of anxiety. She was not sure if she would ever feel better and had trouble sleeping. She came with an h. pylori diagnosis but did not know want to take antibiotics. She felt overwhelmed and discouraged. And could not manage her stress on her own.

We used hypnosis to calm her nervous system’s response to her health crisis. By restoring balance and calm to her nervous system she was finally able to sleep well, and sleep is essential in recovery.

Hypnosis uncovered and addressed the subconscious root of her stress and anxiety to put her body back into rest and digest mode.

Hypnosis taps into subconscious wisdom to find clarity and support from the body’s inner knowing, also called intuition. Her body was telling her that she had not dealt with past grief.

Understanding what really drives our stress, allows us to surface it, process it and create new associations and build new neural networks that avoid old stress triggers.

Hypnosis bypasses the logical mind, to connect to the emotional impact of past experiences and make new meanings from them. It provides clarity where there is confusion. And helps us see what is really there under the surface.

Looping subconscious thoughts and programming can sabotage progress without us even knowing why.

If you react to things or behave in way that doesn’t make sense, there is a good reason. You can surface it and rewire that protective neural network using the power of hypnosis and positive suggestibility.

Updating old programming helps us align with what we really want. And it becomes easier to get it. That’s why people use hypnosis to break addictions and bad habits, like binging on sugar or smoking cigarettes.

By shining awareness on what’s going on underneath. Hypnosis becomes root cause medicine. Because we can’t fix what we don’t see or understand.

Involving both the conscious and subconscious mind in healing helps us break through blind spots and increase confidence so we can get unstuck.

A sense of safety and a regulated nervous system is the ultimate healer

Dana found a sense of safety by finding support she trusted. Steve and Rose used their own subconscious mind to guide them back to a sense of safety.

If you don’t feel safe, hopeful, clear or focused in your healing efforts, there are many things that you can do to find that support within or outside of yourself.

I am a fan of hypnosis because it worked for my own health anxiety but finding nervous system regulation through slowing down, working with the the breath, finding trustworthy support, trauma therapy or regulating your body through lifestyle habits (stable sleep, food, exercise and rest routine) can all get you there.

I hope that this blog post can illuminate a gap in your own thinking and approach to healing your gut. Trying to get more information, restrict your diet more or find the perfect supplements is not the whole answer. Your body holds the most miraculous healing power inside when it feels safe and ready to heal.


Angela Privin is proof that IBS is NOT an incurable disease, but a cry for help from a gut out of balance. When the body AND mind are complaining, it’s an opportunity to examine what’s not working and change it. After solving her own IBS mystery almost two decades ago, Angela became as a health coach to help others. Angela uses root cause medicine protocols personalized to the individual to solve each IBS mystery. Her tools are lab testing, dietary changes, supplementation, subconscious mind work and nervous system rebalancing . Learn more here.