Common blocks to healing

What got us sick won’t get us well. It’s recognizing the dysfunction of what’s not working for us anymore that can get us out.

Most people use the same energy or strategy that got them sick, to heal themselves. Pushing too hard, being perfectionistic, all or nothing thinking, repressing emotions, ignoring reality and impatience are just some examples of dysfunctional patterns that can lead to chronic stress, nervous system imbalance and a major health crash.

This is the stuff that no one wants to deal with because it’s hard. It’s emotional. It’s painful to see and scary to change. This pattern was developed early on to help you survive and even if you want to make a big change, you may get a bit of push back from your subconscious mind.

Subconscious blocks

The subconscious mind automates your reactions to life, and how you view the world. Its number one priority is to protect you. It has developed strategies to keep you safe and alive, even if it sacrifices your happiness.

I see the subconscious as an overprotective parent stuck in the past. They want the best for you but are operating from an outdated paradigm, that no longer serves you or holds true.

Our subconscious life strategies are formed by the age of 8, so it makes sense that what worked for us at 6 years old, won’t work at 36 or 66 years old. Yet, if not examine and rewired we continue to live life from our early childhood programming.

Whenever we can’t do what we set out to do, self sabotage, hit massive resistance, get busy/distracted or procrastinate when we want to make important changes, the subconscious is behind it all.

It’s important to first understand how your mind is wired and why it’s hard to do hard things.

My clients always tell me “I will do anything to heal” except for the things that their subconscious mind objects to.

It’s not because you are lazy or weak or lack will power. It’s because you are up against something very powerful and mostly invisible to you, until you make the subconscious conscious.

This is how you change. First, you see the subconscious program and understand why you created it and what it has done for you. It was useful once.

Then you decide to what to replace it with. Usually, something that will serve you better in moving you towards your goals, dreams, wishes.

It takes time and repetition to “persuade” your subconscious mind that your new strategy is safe and it is what you want and need. You do this through repetition. Being in a suggestible state makes the process go fast. Suggestible states occur when you slow brainwaves down to meditative alpha waves. This is what hypnosis does.

I help clients rewire their subconscious through hypnosis. Slowing your brain down to a suggestible state deepens connection to the subconscious mind and gives access to information and emotions that are usually not available to you.

Here are the top subconscious blocks that keep my clients stuck, and prevents successful healing. This is the reason they come to me. if you feel stuck and can’t move forward, you are probably dealing with subconscious blocks. Which also means you are a normal human. In other words, we ALL have subconscious blocks. The power lies is seeing them and reversing them.

We don’t want a 7 year old running our lives. Unfortunately, most of us are living from beliefs that we developed as young children.

The most common subconscious blocks

Your beliefs drive your behavior. Perhaps some of these behaviors resonate.

Here are the ones the common ones I’ve encountered. But there many more….

Being all or nothing in your approach.

You’re either 300 percent committed to your healing process or rebelling against it. If you can’t do it perfectly you don’t do anything. I’ve been guilty of this one.

Wanting to do everything perfectly seems good but creates a lack of safety and stress/pressure around healing. The subconscious believes it won’t work unless you do it perfectly. This is the number one block I see and creates a self-fulfilling prophesy. It is not lack of perfection but stress and contraction that slow people down.

Not believing your body is capable of healing is another big one.

Your body looks to your subconscious mind to know what to do. If your mind believe healing is not possible the body will comply. It doesn’t know any better, it looks to the subconscious for guidance. If you have found yourself saying “I’ve done everything but nothing works” or “my body feels like its broken” or “I have been sick for so long, will I live like this forever?”, you probably have this subconscious block.

Being sick is serving a purpose.

Deep fear of failing at something important like work, dating, social acceptance may produce a physical excuse to avoid it and stay safe. This is a tough one to accept and explore, but can be surfaced and fixed.

Being is a rush, being impatient and pushing your body to heal in an unrealistic time frame.

This is driven by anxiety. Pushes too hard in life can compromise the adrenals which can topple the gut. Healing needs to be done slowly because the body does reacts to and resists quick changes. Going slow is biologically compatible, you just need faith that you can get there. Pushing to heal will often slow the process down and be very physically and emotionally uncomfortable.

Looking for a magic pill or thinking someone outside yourself can heal you.

Our culture supports this belief. And it sells a lot of supplements, cleanses, dietary programs. Diet and supplements can be supportive if used strategically but it is your immune system that heals you. Your mitochondria that gives your body energy to heal. This is supported through lifestyle, stress relief, working on your beliefs and improving self care habits. The body has what it needs to heal when you remove the blocks to healing. The answer is inside you.

There is no magic pill. You can’t buy health. It is inside you. Don’t give your responsibility away. Get good help but rely on yourself to heal.

Jumping from protocol to protocol.

Not staying with something long enough is a common problem I see that comes from the belief that things should improve quickly and in a linear fashion. This has to do with the belief above that healing should be quick. If it’s not then you try the next promising thing without giving something a chance to work. Don’t panic when something doesn’t work right away.

Lack of consistency around diet.

This could be driven by a subconscious belief around deprivation or lack of self worth.

Unwillingness to be uncomfortable.

The belief is that what is familiar and comfortable is safe. Discomfort usually involves going into unknown territory which feels challenging to your safety according to your subconscious. Staying comfortable keeps you in a cage which you can unlock. It’s not easy and you may resist but stay curious about why you are resisting and it will get you through.

Not wanting to be different.

We are programmed to fit in. We don’t want to stand out by eating or drinking something different. It’s too uncomfortable. Social connection makes a healing diet difficult, but is the key to allowing you to have deeper social connections when you heal. Healing is temporary and you reap the rewards afterwards.


This is a strong one. People don’t want to do anything that will make them look bad (cut or not color hair, gain or lose weight, go through detox that makes them break out). Appearance is how we get acceptance. But health is the foundation of everything. This is tough one so if you suffer from it, give yourself some compassion.

In hypnosis school I learned that the root of many subconscious beliefs come from these three deeper root thoughts or beliefs: 1) I am not enough 2) I am different and can’t connect 3) What I want is not available to me.

The subconscious beliefs that block our healing can be rooted in low self worth or esteem, fearing that standing out can severe connections and that they can’t have what they want in life. That is why not wanting to be different, vanity, perfectionism, anxiety about healing, not believing you can heal, not sticking with something could have roots in these deeper beliefs.

If you can’t have what you want (to heal) then going slow, staying consistent or being balanced in your approach is way too anxiety producing, since you lack faith that anything will happen anyway.

Our desire for acceptance, lack of faith and devaluing ourselves is the deeper root cause of the subconscious blocks and can be worked on in the very same way. By gaining awareness of the beliefs and perceptions that drive our actions and replacing them with those that serve.

It is important remember, we are not driven by logic but by emotion. And our emotions come from our subconscious beliefs. These beliefs and emotions drive our actions. And have a massive impact on our nervous system and stress levels. If you believed what you want is not available to you, then you try desperately, with unconscious stress, instead of calmly with faith. And you don’t even know that this is what is going on with you. That is the most interesting part. How detached we can be from our actual experience in the world.

Keeping the subconscious unconscious is like living life on autopilot. It makes life easier to live an unexamined life because we are not rocking the boat. It feels safer somehow. But it is a much less effective way to live.

Especially if the thing that is keeping you from getting what you want is the subconscious belief that it is not available to you.

The result is that we feel helpless but this could not be farther from the truth.

We can change. We just need to understand how.

Talk therapy is a common tool to deal with psychological issues. But it can take years to rewire subconscious programming, if at alll. Talk therapy deals with conscious thoughts. But what drives those thoughts? What’s underneath them?

This is why I love hypnosis, because it connects you with subconscious beliefs and emotions. And can reveal where one is blocked. But there is another way. The hair tissue mineral analysis test, is a hair sample test that can measure your minerals and the corresponding stress that certain thoughts or behaviors create in your body. It is a physical test but also a metaphysical one that reflects certain emotional patterns. The minerals don’t lie, even when the mind is in denial.

Take a moment to feel into what resonates here…

Do any of the subconscious blocks resonate? Or do you have your own that I have not listed? What do you struggle with that makes no logical sense?

You can create a new map for moving through those subconscious blocks. But the first step is to identify them. Where do you get stuck? Deprivation? res

The first step is just to notice where you get stuck. Deprivation? Lack of motivation? Doubt? Overwhelm? Anxiety?

What are the thoughts that go with those thoughts, experiences or emotions?

I know offer a 4 month program that combines subconscious work with a hair tissue mineral analysis test to help break through subconscious blocks and identify hidden stressors. Check it out through this link (scroll to the bottom) or email with any questions.


Angela Privin is proof that IBS is NOT an incurable disease, but a cry for help from a gut out of balance. When the body AND mind are complaining, it’s an opportunity to examine what’s not working and change it. After solving her own IBS mystery almost two decades ago, Angela became as a health coach to help others. Angela uses root cause medicine protocols personalized to the individual to solve each IBS mystery. Her tools are lab testing, dietary changes, supplementation, subconscious mind work and nervous system rebalancing . Learn more here.