Dvir IBS success story (h.pylori and SIBO)

I hope that Dvir’s SIBO story proves that you can have digestive issues at any age, as a man or woman and in any country. And you can also beat it with dedication and determination.

I did this success story in a question and answer format so he can share his experience in his own words. And also filmed a short video about his experience.

I think it is very important to emphasize that SIBO is not a life long sentence and if approached from a root cause perspective, it can be cleared.

We did the GI Map first, which showed h. pylori and clearing that made a huge difference, because it causes low stomach acid and low stomach acid is a root cause of SIBO.

We also worked a lot of nutrition, lifestyle shifts and the fear of food. The result is a happy, healthy client who is excited to share his success and inspire those you are currently suffering.

In his own words

Q: What went wrong with your gut health and when? 

I started having food allergies that gradually became worse and worse from age 23 to 26. One day I’d feel great and another day I’d feel horrible.

But the trend was overall downward and I got more and more concerned about it. I lived in Asia for 7 years eating a diet I wasn’t supposed to eat and I was having a high stress lifestyle being a workaholic and always pushing myself to the limit. I neglected getting sun, relaxing, etc.

Q:What did you do to address it before working with Angela?

I tried reading facebook groups, buying random supplements, watching Youtube videos. It didn’t work.

Q: What worked to fix your symptoms?

Nothing worked to HEAL my symptoms. But to ease them this worked: Eating a very clean diet of meats eggs and cooked vegetables. Small meals. Good sleep. Lowering stress.

Q: How did your gut issues and symptoms effect your life, your thoughts, your emotions, your relationships, your attitude towards food?

It really messed up my relationship at the time. My ex-girlfriend didn’t understand what was wrong with me and at some points thought I was even imagining it.

I couldn’t eat at restaurants. I was scared of foods. It was horrible. I was depressed. My quality of life went from an 8 to a 5 or even 3-4 at the bottom.

I thought I may never get out of it to be honest. It felt like an endless nightmare I couldn’t never get out of. No one understood me.

I started hating myself for short periods of time. It was horrible.

Q: What was the hardest part about healing?

The hardest part was the ups and downs and the fact I wasn’t sure if I was healing because I had a lot of die off reaction so my health got worse before it got better.

I was praying that what I was doing was right and that I wasn’t too messed up to heal.

One time the die off was so bad I was so bloated I was scared I would have to go to the emergency room. The simple solution was that Angela advised me to stop taking the supplements for a few days and it went away. Then I could continue.

It was also hard that I’d feel great for a week, then I’d have one slip up then I’d feel bad for another 5 days. I’d take 2 steps forward only to think I fell 3 steps backwards. But it was an illusion. I was improving and healing week by week!!!!! And it was important to have a health coach there guiding me or I would have given up.

Q) What was the easiest part?

I didn’t have to think about what to eat or what to do because Angela was there guiding me and telling me and that calmed me down.

I ignored my cravings and was determined to heal. And with the right guidance I did. I decided I am going to do this by the book, not get derailed by my emotions and just follow the expert.

Q: What advice would you give someone who has suffered, tried many things and is on the verge of giving up.

Don’t ever give up. You can make it through.

I was at rock bottom. I cried many times. I had shades of suicidal thoughts (nothing serious but it was there occasionally). But I healed. And it doesn’t matter how many times I failed. Because I made it. And I’m a better man for it.

It’s ok to feel bad for yourself, but make sure that you get help. That’s what that changed the game for me. Working with Angela changed my life. I told her that she’s an Angel sent to save me.

Don’t get stuck in an endless loop of watching Youtube  or reading facebook posts about SIBO. Get an expert.

Yes it costs money, but how much is your health and happiness worth. I would’ve paid even more money to heal this.

Q: What was the biggest lesson learned through this process.

Get the help of an expert. ALWAYS have a mentor or guide, who personally did what you’re trying to do.

TRUST THE PROCESS. This is the hard part. And actually do what you are told to do.

Q: Anything else you want to share?

Tomorrow morning I’m going to wake up and eat whatever I want to eat. I beat this and you can do it too.


Angela Privin is proof that IBS is NOT an incurable disease, but a cry for help from a gut out of balance. When the body AND mind are complaining, it’s an opportunity to examine what’s not working and change it. After solving her own IBS mystery almost two decades ago, Angela became as a health coach to help others. Angela uses root cause medicine protocols personalized to the individual to solve each IBS mystery. Her tools are lab testing, dietary changes, supplementation, subconscious mind work and nervous system rebalancing . Learn more here.