I love healing success stories. They reinforce the strength of the human spirit.
Many people write me daily to thank me for sharing my story and giving them hope. The first step in the healing process is believing it’s possible.
There are lots of medical professionals who dis-empower us from our basic right to believe in our healing power. That’s why I’m here to tell the other side of the story. You have amazing healing power!
I hope this uplifting interview with health coach, Tara Rosas, will help you see your own superhealer potential. Tara overcame her multi-year battle with Crohn’s disease by using the Gut and Psychology Syndrome protocol (GAPS).
Crohn’s, is an autoimmune condition characterized by inflammation of the intestinal tract, bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain and weight loss.
It can be life threatening and is often treated with the surgical removal of part of the intestinal tract as well as immune suppressing medications.
Tara does for Crohn’s sufferers what I do for IBS sufferers, she teaches natural healing protocols such as diet, lifestyle changes and supplementation.
She guides people through emotional blocks and fears around healing. She offers experienced guidance and lots of support when people need it most.
It’s no surprise that Tara and I have similar views of healing. We’ve both been there, walked the same scary path and faced the same challenges, confusion and loneliness.
We’re also both symptom-free after following our respective diets very strictly for one year.
If the GAPS diet is powerful enough to heal Crohn’s, imagine its power in healing IBS.
It systematically eliminates inflammatory foods and common allergens and adds in healing foods to rebuild the digestive and immune systems.
One of the things that Tara taught me about the GAPS diet is that the first stage calls for broth made from meat, not animal bones. She said bone broth can be too strong for some people at first because it’s so detoxifying. Fascinating.
The biggest complaint I’ve heard about the GAPS diet is how complicated, restrictive and overwhelming it is. That’s because it incorporates 6 intro stages that need to be passed through before starting the full GAPS diet.
This complication alone keeps people away. And sadly the GAPS diet is one of the most effective healing systems out there. Unlike Paleo and the Specific Carbohydrate diet, GAPS incorporates bone broth, fermented foods and easy to digest soups and stews. And it adds in safe foods very slowly.
The protocol was created to treat autism in children (in which digestive imbalance plays a significant role), but many people have used it to rebuilt their digestive system.
In the 44 minute interview below, Tara shares tips to make the GAPS diet more approachable, talks about her experiences and warns against the mistakes people make.
She discusses how quickly people should move through the stages, how to customize the diet and how long to stay on the protocol.
She shares heart felt advice about having the right mindset and talks about how she got through it all alone.
I hope you enjoy this passionate conversation by two former digestive sufferers, who were abandoned by Western medicine, and overcame serious health hurdles anyway.
I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as we enjoyed recording it. You can learn more about Tara’s story at Crohns Babe.
*Note: In the interview, I refer to supplements as being like pharmaceuticals. I wanted to clarify what I meant. I believe that supplements can be a supportive part of a healing program but they should not be relied on as the main solution for healing. Many people focus so much on supplements they miss the more important parts. True healing comes from making changes in diet, mindset and habits.To play the recording, press the orange arrow in the top left hand corner of the photo below.
[…] Click here to listen to the recorded interview over at Angela’s blog, DIY Health […]
Thank you so much for this,
It’s really giving me some hope. Quick question…You say it’s only half about the diet…? Whats the other half? Rest and relaxation?
Thank you
It always depends on the person so the answer to that question will be different for every one but it usually has to do with making changes in your life to support emotional well being. Rest is important but so are so many other factors such as relationships, anxiety levels, managing sensitivity and healing trauma, etc.
Help! I started the GAPS diet (following HealthHomeHappy.com’s GAPS Intro 30 day guide) and stayed away from bone broth like Tara had mentioned. However, I had to quit after only 2.5 days because I was so sick (vomiting/diarrhea) I want to try again since I’m suffering with IBS everyday, but I don’t want to be so sick while getting healthy. Is there something I should do differently? Thanks!
Hi Candi, this is a great question. The answer is to back off and approach it more gently. If you need more direction around what that looks like you can contact me.