How to eliminate a stubborn case of h. pylori

One of my specialities as an IBS coach is h. pylori, which is a bacterial infection of the stomach that lowers stomach acid and impairs digestion. I have included everything I know about h. pylori in my easy-to-download H. Pylori Rescue Guide. H. pylori is a common cause of IBS.

By lowering stomach acid, H. pylori can affect the entire biome and digestive system, causing symptoms like constipation or diarrhea, bloating, gut pain, anxiety, gas, skin issues, reflux or fatigue, etc.

Not only do undigested food particles feed bacteria and yeast overgrowth, but can also cause nutrient deficiencies when food is not absorbed.

The two biggest problems with h. pylori is that it’s hard to identify on most tests. Many of my clients who tested positive for h. pylori on the GI Map, tested negative previously through biopsies, stool, blood or breath tests.

This is because h. pylori does not shed daily into the stool and hides under a protective biofilm shield which prevents detection.

The GI Map can find h. pylori in two ways. It uses PCR technology find DNA clues that it is there. It’s like finding finger prints at the scene of the crime instead of catching the criminal there.

If you want to know more about the GI Map test watch this video. I can help you order and interpret this at home test. It can be sent all over the world.

H. pylori is getting harder to kill

Because of the rampant use of triple or quadruple antibiotic therapy to treat h. pylori, it is becoming resistant and getting harder to kill.

Herbal remedies are just as effective or more effective than antibiotics but won’t damage the biome even further. Especially if used with biofilm busters.

But even herbs are waning in efficacy because h. pylori is getting more and resistant and harder to kill.

Sometimes people need to do multiple rounds of herbs or switch the herbs up.

And sometimes you have to be creative about the approach. If multiple rounds don’t work, then it could be because you are reinfecting yourself.

Here’s one way to prevent a cause of reinfection.

How to troubleshoot a stubborn case

One of the most common reasons some people can’t seem to get rid of h. pylori is because it lives in their oral cavity and as they swallow saliva all day long the bacterial travels back down to the stomach and reinfects them. This is particularly common for people who have weakened gut immunity.

But there is way to solve this problem. Matula tea is a powerful remedy for h. pylori and because this remedy comes in liquid form, you can swish it around in your mouth as you drink it to also kill any h. pylori living in the mouth.

Matula tea is typically consumed for a minimum of 30 days twice a day on an empty stomach. But I suggest doing a 60 day protocol to make sure that everything is gone.

This approach will cover your bases in case h. pylori lives in your mouth. And it also kills any yeast that lives in the oral cavity if candida is an issue.

Matula is highly antifungal and is a great option if you have both h. pylori and yeast overgrowth.

Another way to get rid of a stubborn h. pylori case is to work on the nervous system and immune system by working with the mind.

I published a client success story about a woman who finally rid herself of h. pylori after multiple attempts through hypnosis. She was able to overcome the stress-inducing mental blocks that kept her in fight or flight.

The subconscious mind has a huge influence on the nervous system and immune system and rewiring subconscious pattens and beliefs have been super effective for many of my hypnosis clients. As it also was for me when I first tried hypnosis myself.

Lastly, supporting the immune system is key. The GI Map has a marker for immune health, called sIgA or secretory IGA . If it’s below 200, you must support it before starting an h. pylori protocol. Taking a probiotic called saccharomyces boulardii is one way to do it.

These are just a few of the things I cover in the guide. It has all the protocols I use with clients and includes important tips for beating an infection that’s getting harder to kill.

It will prevent you from wasting your time and money and worse yet, from becoming discouraged.

After working with hundreds of clients with h. pylori, I have experience with what does and doesn’t work. If you have any questions after reading the guide, please reach out and I will answer them.


Angela Privin is proof that IBS is NOT an incurable disease, but a cry for help from a gut out of balance. When the body AND mind are complaining, it’s an opportunity to examine what’s not working and change it. After solving her own IBS mystery almost two decades ago, Angela became as a health coach to help others. Angela uses root cause medicine protocols personalized to the individual to solve each IBS mystery. Her tools are lab testing, dietary changes, supplementation, subconscious mind work and nervous system rebalancing . Learn more here.