How to find hidden h. pylori

Why do I recommend getting a GI Map stool test, when you can get stool tests for free at your doctor’s office? The GI Map is expensive at $425, but this is why it’s worth it. 

The GI Map is an incredibly sensitive test that spots infections other tests miss. Stool tests, breath tests and blood tests can miss h. Pylori even if it is present. And that means years of suffering without ever finding the root cause.

H. pylori is a bacterial infection of the stomach. It is the infection I see most commonly in my clients, and it can lead to parasites, bacterial overgrowth and candida. H. pylori lowers stomach acid, which is a primary protection against pathogens entering the gut. It can cause symptoms like food sensitivities, fatigue, anxiety or depression, rosacea and reflux.

Stomach acid is crucial for digestive health and good digestion and h. pylori lowers it.

With an h. pylori infection, our body is robbed of a crucial front line defense.

In my h. Pylori Rescue Guide I talk about how this common bacteria can be a root cause of SIBO, IBS, autoimmunity and GERD. And that many people have h. Pylori driving their symptoms but have no idea because of a false negative on a test.

There are different strains of h. Pylori. Virulent strains can do more harm than regular strains. They can cause or worsen ulcers or gastritis. The GI Map tests for virulent strains, and measures the bacterial load. You don’t just get a positive or negative, you know how much h. pylori there is.

When some people get on an h. Pylori protocol, they finally feel relief after years of suffering. Even when there are other things going on in the gut. This is because stomach acid starts to bounce back and digestion improves. The stomach lining starts to heal.

H. Pylori and SIBO can produce similar symptoms. And it SIBO can be stubborn to eradicate when h. pylori is lowering stomach acid and increasing bacterial load to the small intestine. I write about h. Pylori because it is often the missing link for for recovery.

When h. pylori flares

H. pylori flares with stress and needs good gut immunity to eradicate it fully. The GI Map also tests gut immunity levels (SigA) to see if it’s at a good level for successful eradication. It needs to be above 500, but between 1000 and 2000 is ideal.

Once h. pylori is found, managing stress and bolstering the immune system is key to getting rid of the infection.

It is addressed with natural herbs or antibiotics. I discuss the herbal protocol in the guide. Both herbs and antibiotics can be equally effective, but herbs have less risk of side effects to the biome.

I’ve had clients who were relatively fine until they treated h. pylori with antibiotics, and then their gut health got much worse. They came to me after antibiotics to repair the damage and ease the symptoms.

Supporting the nervous system is a key strategy eradicating h. Pylori and bringing the biome back into balance. 

Nervous system balancing requires some lifestyle changes but supporting the adrenals is a key piece of getting the body and gut back into balance.

A mineral test using hair samples can measure primary mineral levels, which gives us a look at the state of the adrenals, thyroid, nervous system and immune system.

The mineral test is a lower cost test (under $200) that helps address stress through nutrition and mineral balancing. Building a strong body is the best defense against h. pylori returning.

Things like stress, trauma, poor diet and lack of self care (always on the go, not enough sleep, poor boundaries) contribute to nervous system and immune imbalances.

While it is important to find h pylori and address it, you also have to create the right conditions in your body to defend against it and keep gut infections away. Poor habits, diet, and mineral status makes the body a weak host, that can’t fight off pathogens or infections. And may get stuck in chronic inflammation and then burn out.

H. pylori usually occurs in bodies stressed by trauma, antibiotics, toxins, exhaustion, poor diet or overexercise (to name a few stressors).

I work with clients to find their root cause, address it naturally and strengthen their body to keep gut problems at bay.

It is never simple or easy but it is straight forward. If you are interested in building a resilient body you would be a great candidate for my self healing body 4 month program here.


Angela Privin is proof that IBS is NOT an incurable disease, but a cry for help from a gut out of balance. When the body AND mind are complaining, it’s an opportunity to examine what’s not working and change it. After solving her own IBS mystery almost two decades ago, Angela became as a health coach to help others. Angela uses root cause medicine protocols personalized to the individual to solve each IBS mystery. Her tools are lab testing, dietary changes, supplementation, subconscious mind work and nervous system rebalancing . Learn more here.