Function medicine focuses on identifying the root cause of symptoms for the most effective intervention. It helps people who have been abandoned by the mainstream medical system. It loosely follows …

Natural solutions for IBS
Natural solutions for IBS
Function medicine focuses on identifying the root cause of symptoms for the most effective intervention. It helps people who have been abandoned by the mainstream medical system. It loosely follows …
H. pylori is one of the most common root causes of IBS that I see in my health coaching practice. What makes it so challenging is that it’s hard to …
Mary, my recent SIBO success story shares her experience in beating Methane overgrowth with the elemental diet. The elemental diet is an option for clearing SIBO when herbs or antibiotics …
SIBO is complicated, but not impossible to beat, if you know what you are doing. There are some things that are not in our favor. Not a lot of doctors …
Seven reasons your Gut Health is not improving. Root cause medicine, or finding the exact reason for symptoms, is growing in popularity because it improves outcomes greatly. If don’t know …
Researchers are discovering that biofilms may be the reason why some infections are so hard to treat with antibiotics. Including pathogens that drive IBS symptoms. The more we know about …
Why I became a health coach I feel passionately about is helping people who have little hope and no where else to turn. That was me 20 years ago. Disillusioned …
I’m always diving deeper into my understanding of why and how the gut falls into dysfunction. The most recent SIBO summit illuminated the biggest overlooked piece of gut healing: the …
It’s never fun to discuss or think about parasites because of the ick factor. Regardless, it’s important to understand the effects of parasites on digestive health. Parasitic infections can be …
Years ago, before it sky rocketed in popularity, I wrote a blog post about intermittent fasting for improving digestion and supporting/cleansing the liver. Intermittent fasting is an easier approach to …