Years ago, I was told IBS was in my head. I rejected that IBS had a mental component because I solved my issue completely with diet and mineral balancing. But …

Natural solutions for IBS
Natural solutions for IBS
Years ago, I was told IBS was in my head. I rejected that IBS had a mental component because I solved my issue completely with diet and mineral balancing. But …
What got us sick won’t get us well. It’s recognizing the dysfunction of what’s not working for us anymore that can get us out. Most people use the same energy …
Almost 20 years ago I had IBS, and it changed the course of my life. And I go into depth about my story here. When doctors gave me an IBS …
Function medicine focuses on identifying the root cause of symptoms for the most effective intervention. It helps people who have been abandoned by the mainstream medical system. It loosely follows …
Mysterious and uncomfortable digestive issues make us feel out of control. And when we feel out of control, stress spikes. When we try to fix our digestive issues and fail …
H. pylori is one of the most common root causes of IBS that I see in my health coaching practice. What makes it so challenging is that it’s hard to …
SIBO is complicated, but not impossible to beat, if you know what you are doing. There are some things that are not in our favor. Not a lot of doctors …
Seven reasons your Gut Health is not improving. Root cause medicine, or finding the exact reason for symptoms, is growing in popularity because it improves outcomes greatly. If don’t know …
When doctors imply IBS or mysterious digestive issues are in your head, what do they mean? Are they implying you are making it up? The function of the gut is …
What is the right way to heal IBS? When I was suffering with IBS 20 years ago there was just a tiny fraction of the information available online now. You …