The right way to do a parasite cleanse

Parasites are a common infection that can wreak havoc on the biome. There’s so much conflicting advice online, but the best way to get good information is to read people’s first hand experiences on how they cleared their parasites successfully. This helps tame anxiety about the unknown, and shows that it’s possible to evict unwanted guests with the right effort.

Mindset matters during healing because it determines the messages that are sent to our nervous system. And to our immune system.

This is my story about getting and eradicating one of the hardest parasites to kill, blastocystis hominis.

How I got blasto

I got infected with blasto on a trip to Mexico. It started with 5 days of severe diarrhea and then caused intense jet lag, sugar cravings, increased appetite, random episode of anxiety, intermittent gas and bloating and occasional constipation for months afterwards.

The symptoms of parasites manifest differently in every body, mine also caused hair loss, hormonal issues and blood sugar dysregulation.

It was not fun, but I learned a lot about eradicating the toughest parasites first hand.

You can also read another blasto success story here.

How I found out it was blasto

I wear a continuous glucose monitor, to monitor my blood sugar in real time. I have been doing it for months. So I have a baseline of how I react to foods. I knew something was off when my blood sugar started spiking over 200 (it should not go over 140) after eating fruit.

I also gained weight seemingly overnight, which meant my body was very inflamed and holding onto water. After having any alcohol or sugar I gained 2 to 3 pounds the next day. I tried to do intermittent fasting (eating only from 9 am to 5 pm) but my cravings for food and carbs made it impossible not to eat at night.

All of this was unusual, so I took the GI Map stool test. It is the test I use with clients because of its accuracy because it’s one of the best tests for parasites.

Before I took the GI Map, my doctor ran a parasite test and it came back negative. Standard doctor’s tests for parasites are not very sensitive. My blasto levels were extremely high and the standard testing missed it.

Parasites are very hard to test for due to their lifecycle. You have to catch them in just the right phase before they lay eggs and die. They also shed unevenly in the stool. The GI Map searches for parasite DNA as a clue that they are there. It’s like finding finger prints at the scene of a crime instead of catching the criminal at the scene.

It took a month from ordering the test to getting my results and in the meantime my digestive symptoms settled down. My immune system was working hard to kill the parasite and making some progress. And I used magnesium to keep my bowels regular.

My GI Map showed that blasto caused a lot of bacterial overgrowth and a leaky gut. It also revealed a compromised immune system (SigA). It was the lowest I’ve ever seen it because it had been fighting against the parasite for months.

What I learned is that Blasto can cause digestive symptoms initially but then the body finds a new normal and symptoms subside. My gut was like an accident waiting to happen. Any stressor that came along could throw it so out of whack and then symptoms would appear.

Symptoms are usually a sign the the body has lost control of the situation. In some cases, the body can clear the parasite by itself, in other cases it can hang out for years and causing strange, seemingly unrelated problems with sleep, mood, cravings, skin problems and weight.

My parasite busting protocol

I’m sharing the protocol I used below. And some important lessons.

Lesson number one: don’t take the parasite test as the doctor’s office as the final answer. I suggest the GI map stool test for parasite detection.

Lesson number two: support drainage before and during any killing protocol. It makes a huge difference. One of the biggest mistakes people make when doing a strong killing protocol is not opening up drainage pathways of the liver and kidneys. When these are not open, you can get uncomfortable die off symptoms.

Die off ranges from fatigue and headaches, to flu-like symptoms and worsening of prior symptoms.

The protocol I used comes with liver & kidney support as well as binders to escort the endotoxic die off from the body.

It also comes with a bowel mover to help the body “take out the trash”.

I also kept the detox channels open by regularly going to the sauna, followed by a cold shower. Another way to open detox channels is epsom salt baths or castor oil packs.

What I took

The protocol I use is sold by Cellcore. To open an account you need this code: HvdcBkCj

Their ParaKit is popular with people who do week-long full-moon parasite cleanses monthly, as this is when parasites are most active in the body. I used their parasite kit with additional detox support.

This protocol can be shipped all over the U.S. and most of the world, but not Germany. So while I was waiting for my husband to travel to the U.S. and bring back the Cellcore products I used an Artemesia and wormwood tincture and biocidin as a biofilm buster.

Not only did it have a harsh taste, but Artemesia is a bit hard on the liver. I had some pretty crazy die off as well as sleep issues and severe hot flashes on that protocol.

The Cellcore protocol lasts two months. During my protocol I took:

Two Para 1 capsules and two Para 2 capsules first thing in the morning.

Then I took some saccharomyces boulardii two hours later to support my immune system. More on that below.

Just before my meals I took:

Two KL support capsules and two biotoxin binder capsules with 20 drops of Para 3 in water. I did this 3 times a day. The Para 3 needs to be cycled 3 weeks on and 1 week off because it is so strong. But it is very good at fighting blasto and was an important addition.

To keep things moving I added one or two bowel mover capsules per day. You can safely take up to 4 per day.

I cut out all sugar and snacked on pumpkin seed butter, parasite ball busters and coconut butter cups . As parasites die they crave carbs and sugary foods, so it’s important to have these parasite killing treats available when cravings hit. I have more treats to kill parasites and other pathogens in my Treats That Heal cookbook.

The results was immediate relief. My anxiety went away. My appetite and sugar cravings went back to normal and I felt mentally balanced.

The big surprise was how much blasto affected my mood. My husband and I did the protocol together so we don’t pass blasto back and forth. It’s important to do this with both parasites and h. pylori.

The die off was mild. Some days I had to go to bed early. Especially around the full moon when melatonin drops and parasites become more active.

My diet

Parasite love sugar and carbs so it is a good idea to limit their food source without going too low carb. Carbs give you energy and you need your energy to fight parasites and balance hormones.

I didn’t go keto or Paleo. Just reduced consumption of grains, beans and dairy without cutting them out completely.

I ate more sunflower seeds, garlic, olive oil, coconut oil, carrots, beets, papaya seeds and oregano, which naturally fight parasites.

Why my symptoms were not severe

While blasto can debilitate some people, it left me with comparatively mild symptoms. I think the reason is the state of the biome and nervous system.

My beneficial bacteria were well balanced and well fed. This kept the blasto in check. Though high, the infection could have been much worse if my beneficial bacteria did not fight back, preventing blasto from claiming too much territory in the gut.

Good bacteria are your best defence.

I wrote about how to support the biome here. What you eat on a daily basis, the products you use and your lifestyle shapes your biome. It is like tending to a garden.

I have also been working on my nervous system for a while through hypnosis and somatic therapies. Hypnosis helped me shake my health anxiety.

Supporting the immune system

Supporting the immune system was an important part of my protocol. As I mentioned I took saccharomyces boulardii (2 caps daily) but also added in some immunoglobulins in the beginning (Mega IGG 2000 4 caps per day)

This was very important because my immune system was depleted and needed support to do its job well.

How I’m feeling now

I feel like a different person. I’m sleeping better, my mood, weight and blood sugar stabilised. My energy is higher and I am calmer. I can do intermittent fasting again, without crazy carb cravings.

Blasto really weakened my self control around food. It’s crazy how much sway these critters can have over our behaviour.

If parasites are an issue for you, doing the right protocol, with the right mindset, and nervous system/immune support is key. The right diet is also supportive, but doesn’t have to be extreme to be effective.

Keep drainage pathways open, keep bowels moving and make space in your schedule for downtime and rest.

This is what makes your body inhospitable to unwanted visitors.


Angela Privin is proof that IBS is NOT an incurable disease, but a cry for help from a gut out of balance. When the body AND mind are complaining, it’s an opportunity to examine what’s not working and change it. After solving her own IBS mystery almost two decades ago, Angela became as a health coach to help others. Angela uses root cause medicine protocols personalized to the individual to solve each IBS mystery. Her tools are lab testing, dietary changes, supplementation, subconscious mind work and nervous system rebalancing . Learn more here.