Trying to find the best diet for IBS can be a confusing process, especially if you are an avid online researchers. The more you read about the different options the more confusing it becomes.
There are so many different gut healing diets out there and you might even have tried a few that didn’t work so well. There’s always ample scientific evidence that backs up the efficacy of any dietary approach out there. But how do you find the right one for you?

Some diets emphasize protein and fats for blood sugar regulation and prohibit sugar and grains (ie: the Paleo and GAPS diets). Others concentrate on eating lots of soluble fiber and excluding insoluble fiber like onions, garlic, cabbage and other cruciferous veggies (ie: the FODMAPS diet).
There’s also high probiotic, low yeast diets like the Candida or Body Ecology diet. And don’t forget about the elimination diet which eradicates common food allergens. And then there’s more traditional IBS diets that tell you to avoid dairy, fats and spicy foods.
Confused yet?
So how do you determine the best diet for IBS?
The answer is different for everyone.
My personal experience has told me that the worst diet for IBS was raw food. I tried it for many months and it made me sicker because it’s hard to digest raw foods and there’s too many nuts, which used to constipate the heck out of me.
But I recently watched a You Tube video about people who healed IBS with raw food.
It conflicts with what I believe but also reaffirms our differences. One person’s poison is another person’s cure.
Not only do we have different metabolic types but we have different underlying issues that can cause digestive distress. That’s why the most trustworthy authority on what you should be eating is your own experience.
So how do you pick the right diet for you?
Pick one diet to try and let your intuition guide you.
And if you think intuitive powers are broken they are not. They are likely being drowned out by the white noise of anxiety and stress.
Anxiety and stress are obviously amped when you’re sick and can overwhelm the subtle voice of your intuition. But there are things you can do to make that intuitive voice louder.
The truth is that folks with digestive issues usually have very powerful intuitive voices that are being stifled.
How to pump up your intuitive powers
Intuition is not a magical gift or talent, it’s something that everyone has. Some people are naturally more in touch with their intuition than others but you can learn to connect to your intuition by sharpening your powers of awareness.
In the video below I give a few easy tips for increasing awareness of how food affects your body. (Hint: it has nothing to do with stress relief or meditation though both of those can help).
Awareness is the magical link to your intuition. And you can increase awareness simply by taking a few minutes several times a day to tune into the sensations of your body, particularly after eating (notice how your body feels right after and about a half hour to an hour after you eat)
You can set a timer on your cell phone to remind you to scan the sensations in your body. How does your gut feel? Your head? What sensations do you notice in your body? Seems like a throw away exercise but it is very, very powerful. I promise.
Tuning into the sensations of your body can dramatically increase your intuitive powers.
Your sharpened intuition will keep you from becoming overwhelmed while Googling health topics. You will start to feel which information is relevant for you.
Intuition is your personal superpower.
Watch the video learn more about connecting to it.
How do you connect to your intuitive powers? And have you used your intuition to find the best diet for IBS?
This is great Angela, and much needed in a world where we are all looking for the “right answer.” Indeed the truth is that there is NOT one right answer – but with intuition as our guide, we can most certainly find the right answer for us!
I definitely listen to my intuition and my body for what to eat. I’m vegan and I eat gluten free (I have celiac disease), sugar free, 80% alkaline, 75% raw and right now, about 50% organic (that will increase). I also drink very little caffeine (just the odd black or green tea). Anyway, how I chose to eat that way (other than the gluten) was my intuition and what my body was telling me. I don’t know what it’s like to have IBS, but I can imagine that intuition plays the same type of role. Awesome post!
What a great post. I don't always think to use my intuition when it comes to my food! Good tips, I like the timer tip.