SIBO testing mistakes

It is not uncommon for people to get bad information about SIBO from health practitioners. I discovered this during my second opinion consults. Because digestive issues are hard enough to …

Getting enough safe carbs for IBS

Starchy or fibrous carbohydrates are tough for many IBS folks to tolerate. But carbs are necessary for healthy hormone function, a strong biome, good energy and blood sugar stability. Spaghetti …

The ideal breakfast for IBS

The standard American diet is heavy in refined and simple carbs, like toast, pancakes, waffles, oatmeal, cereal, yogurt and granola and fruit-based smoothies. For most people, these kinds of breakfasts …

Treats for IBS

Detox treats for IBS

While food is not everything when it comes to conquering IBS, it is a fundamental part of the solution. The food we eat either increases or calms the inflammation that …

Can treats heal your gut?

Can you have your cake and heal your gut too? Yes! I’ve spent the last year creating recipes for people with digestive issues. Working with my IBS clients, I realized …