Why it’s hard to get rid of h. pylori

H. pylori is the most common digestive infection and often the hardest to clear.

This bacterial overgrowth in the stomach lining can cause a variety of symptoms that can disrupt mental and physical health. Typical symptoms include reflux, bloating, anxiety, lack of appetite, burning stomach (especially when empty), rosacea, histamine intolerance, constipation or diarrhea.

There can be many atypical symptoms like bladder pain, insomnia, weight loss, insulin resistance, nutritional deficiencies (B12, iron), blood sugar issues (hypoglycemia) and yeast or bacterial overgrowth. H. pylori can cause many downstream problems in the biome. I see this all the time on the GI Map stool test.

H. pylori is hard to find through regular testing , which often produces false negatives.

When it is found it is treated with antibiotics, which can either be ineffective or devastate the biome, causing more symptoms.

What makes h. pylori hard to heal is not just antibiotic resistance from general overuse/ overprescription, but also immune system weakness.

Medications or herbs alone are not enough to get rid of gut pathogens for good. The immune system is a key player. It partners with antimicrobial agents to get the job done.

If your immune system is weak, depleted or hijacked by fight or flight, it can’t get the job done.

This is obvious but most people don’t think about it. Or give their body the support it needs.

The only thing that heals us is our own immune system. Supplements or medications help an overwhelmed immune system do its job. They can’t do the job alone.

Even if they manage to kill the pathogens, they will likely come back if the immune system is weak . A strong immune system prevents regrowth.

Winning the battle against h. pylori (and SIBO, candida, parasites) comes down to supporting the immune system and the adrenals. The adrenals work with the immune system to regulate inflammation through cortisol release.

Top factors that determine success against h. pylori

The successful eradication of h. pylori depends on the strength of the immune system AND the adrenals. Adrenal health is vital for good immune system function. If the adrenals are struggling so will the immune system.

The adrenal glands, which sit above the kidneys, produce hormones that regulate metabolism, immunity, blood pressure and the response to stress. The health of the adrenals and the immune system determines if the body can get rid of h. pylori and other bacterial or fungal infections/overgrowths.

Few people look to the adrenals when tacking a gut infection or overgrowth. But it should always be part of the plan.

The biggest reason h. pylori is getting harder to heal, is that many people are highly stressed, burned out or both.

Supporting the stress response and adrenals is the key to getting rid of gut infections like h. pylori.

It’s not easy. H. pylori can increase anxiety by lowering stomach acid and decreasing nutrient absorption. Neurotransmitter production is compromised.

The symptoms of h. pylori can be stressful also. And failed attempts at eradication can spike fear and despair.

This is the vicious cycle: stress lowers immunity, which flares h. pylori and increases stress, which lowers immunity further… and the cycle continues.

Supporting the adrenals (stress and cortisol) also supports the immune system. And can move the needle in the most stubborn case of h.pylori.

How to work with the adrenals and immune system

There are some supportive supplements that can offer quick wins. I use Saccharomyces Boulardii and Mega IGG 2000 with clients when they have low immunity (SigA) on the GI Map.

Lifestyle factors like getting sleep, rest and lowering inflammation with diet is also helpful.

To support the adrenals, I use minerals such as potassium, sodium and magnesium. The amount I suggest is based on the results of the hair mineral test I give to my clients. It provides a clear picture of what’s mineral imbalances are driving adrenal function down.

It’s important to gauge the state of the adrenals through testing. You can use a hair mineral test, a 4 point saliva test or a Dutch test. The mineral test is best because it can tell you the effect that stress has had on the body and how to fix it. What minerals are burned through the most.

Replacing potassium and sodium is essential for well functioning adrenals.

The next step is to identify the physical, emotional and psychological stressors that are depleting your adrenals.

Examples of physical stressors is not eating enough calories, exercising too much, sleep deprivation, unstable blood sugar, working too much, toxins (mold, metals, chemicals, glyphosate), lack of sunlight or movement, inflammation from food sensitivities and low beneficial bacteria. I wrote about to stressors here.

Emotional stressors are repressed emotions, anxiety, loneliness and fear. Seeing the world as an unsafe place can cause the adrenals to pump out nonstop cortisol.

It’s important to turn the stress response off at a physical level first and then it’s easier to calm the mind and emotions.

Getting support is crucial if you feel lost, alone, fearful, confused or overwhelmed. These emotions alone can prompt the adrenals to produce nonstop cortisol.

I discuss different ways to address the adrenals in the H. pylori Rescue Guide. And guide people through adrenal healing in my multi-month programs. The key to healing the adrenals is more than taking adaptogens or eating more protein, it’s a mind body approach that leads to more calm, stability and resilience.

Not only will gut issues resolve, but they won’t come back. And it’s because you’ve worked deeply on the root cause: adrenal imbalance.

Now you know where to look

When protocols fail it can be discouraging. Don’t keep bombing the pathogens with antimicrobials or antibiotics (it lowers your beneficial flora too). And don’t give up hope.

Addressing the underlying causes of “healing resistance” can make all the difference.

Addressing the adrenals and immune system is a lifestyle approach.

The basics are eating a whole food diet that’s free of inflammatory ingredients (sugars, chemicals, bad oils), getting plenty of sleep and rest, dealing with your stressors, balancing blood sugar (never skipping meals/ eating enough carbs) and moving your body enough but not too much.

Most people need help changing stressful habits like too much screen time or scrolling, eating late at night or skipping breakfast, restricting food/carbs/calories and doing health research that leads to overwhelm.

Get in touch (through the side bar contact form) if you want a wholistic program that is more than just supplements.


Angela Privin is proof that IBS is NOT an incurable disease, but a cry for help from a gut out of balance. When the body AND mind are complaining, it’s an opportunity to examine what’s not working and change it. After solving her own IBS mystery almost two decades ago, Angela became as a health coach to help others. Angela uses root cause medicine protocols personalized to the individual to solve each IBS mystery. Her tools are lab testing, dietary changes, supplementation, subconscious mind work and nervous system rebalancing . Learn more here.