A blood test that gives you clues about what’s wrong

I have written extensively about how the GI Map. It has made a huge difference in the success rates of my clients. That’s why I’ve been able to publish so many success stories .

Since I’m always looking to improve efficacy and client experience, I’m excited to announce a new blood test that’s inexpensive and yet can provide valuable information about things that the GI Map doesn’t test for.

I using this test with clients to determine what factors are driving their symptoms. And what testing they will need.

This test can predict heavy metal toxicity, nutritional deficiencies, anemia, thyroid dysfunction, fatty liver or chemical toxicity.

It looks at immune system function and provides an overall wellness score and pheno age. This is the actual age of your body and doesn’t correspond to actual age.

While I am 49, my pheno age is 35. This is a better determinant of how I will react to COVID than my actual age. So my body will fight it like a 35 year old body.

My wellness score was not great, just below average at 76 out of 100. That’s because I have a lot going on as you will see.

It also predicts likelihood of parasites, h pylori, mold toxicity and blood sugar imbalance.

A different kind of blood test

You may have taken many blood tests that have always come out normal, prompting the doctor to tell you that you are healthy. This is a very different kind of test. First of all, it uses functional lab ranges instead of typical lab ranges, which check for optimal function. Typical lab ranges will only flag something that is severely high or low. You could have a problem with a marker, without being in this extreme category, so you will never know it’s an issue with a regular blood test. But this blood test analysis will point it out.

The test runs the same blood markers that your doctor does. But it takes a much different approach to analyzing the data. The approach the should be taken by doctors if only we had a medical system that was not as broken or overwhelmed.

This blood test is the best preventative medicine as it can catch things that it may take your doctor years to diagnose. And by then it will be hard to treat.

My results

I was impressed with my results. I have had a history of heavy metal toxicity and that’s what was at the top of my list. Heavy metal toxicity was one of the contributing factors to my IBS years ago, along with leaky gut, candida, food sensitivities and unstable blood sugar.

I visited a kinesiology practitioner a few months back and he diagnosed me with parasites and vitamin B12 deficiency. The blood test picked up on both of those. I did not believe the kinesiologist and did not pursue treatment, but test backed up his prognosis.

It also picked up my thyroid antibodies. I know they are elevated. And this test caught it. It also picked up a viral infection.

When I found out I had thyroid antibodies I researched what could be driving them. I came up with a short list.

Gluten is a big driver but I am gluten free. That’s why my antibodies are low. Other food sensitivities can also be a trigger, but I avoid the foods I’m sensitive to, according to a food sensitivity panel.

Emotional stress is another driver. But I have mine under control. Finally.

Here are the other factors, that the blood test picked up: infections and toxins like parasites, viruses and h. pylori. These pathogens can alarm the immune system and cause it to overzealously attack itself.

Eradicating those infections would lower my antibodies.

How this test can help

This test can points us in the right direction in terms of what other tests would be most beneficial.

For me it would be a heavy metal, parasites, and viral panel. The GI Map tests for parasites and h. pylori and I plan to take it in a few weeks.

As far as heavy metals and viruses, I can choose to test to confirm or I can just do a protocol to detox the metals (which I have done before) and another one to lower the viral load.

The good news was that the test showed me I had a healthy white blood cell count, which determines the health and function of my immune system. This gave me confidence and relieved some anxiety about my body.

Though my body is dealing with pathogens and toxins, it is creating havoc in my immune function or causing massive inflammation.

When WBC that is too high can be a sign of cancer, cardiovascular disease and decreased mortality (lifespan).

The test is done as a simple blood draw at Quest laboratory and the results are returned lightning fast. I got mine the next day.

Because it addressed so many of the questions, concerns and fears I had about my own body, I wanted to offer it to my clients.

Right now, my testing package is almost $1000 including two tests and a consult.

That is a large financial commitment for someone who’s doubtful about getting the right information or results.

This blood test is low cost and provides much valuable information about the probability of specific conditions and imbalances in the body, immune system and gut. It is an amazing overview and guide to point us in the right direction.

The software was developed by a computer programmer turned functional medicine practitioner who wanted to provide this to his clients and is not sharing it with other practitioners.

As I am just introducing this service I’m offering both the test and a consult for only $300.

While I will make close to nothing on the consult, it feels right to offer this price in the spirit of the holidays and the financial stresses of this years. This offer will be good until the end of December 2020.

Everyone should have access to healing and this will make the first step affordable. There is no commitment for anything else. Take this information and do with it what you will. My hope is that it helps calm you down like it did for me, and helps guide an informed and targeted path to recovery.


Angela Privin is proof that IBS is NOT an incurable disease, but a cry for help from a gut out of balance. When the body AND mind are complaining, it’s an opportunity to examine what’s not working and change it. After solving her own IBS mystery almost two decades ago, Angela became as a health coach to help others. Angela uses root cause medicine protocols personalized to the individual to solve each IBS mystery. Her tools are lab testing, dietary changes, supplementation, subconscious mind work and nervous system rebalancing . Learn more here.