Fecal transplants: An effective treatment for bacterial infections (c difficile) and IBS

Despite their gross-out factor, fecal transplants (also called feces transplant, stool transplant and fecal bacteriotherapy) are proven to be more effective in treating stubborn (and dangerous) bacterial infections like c difficle than antibiotics.

They are also effective in treating IBS symptoms that are caused by bacterial imbalance/pathogenic overgrowth.

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Fecal transplants are what they sound like: stool from a healthy donor is injected, like an enema, into the recipient.

Why fecal transplants are the best source of beneficial bacteria:

As strange as it might sound, human stool is one of the best and most complete sources of beneficial bacteria. It provides a complete ecosystem of bacteria rather than just a few strains.

There are thousands of strains of bacteria in our bodies and poop provides all the beneficial bacteria needed to replenish what’s lacking to balance the body. Beneficial bacteria plays a vital role in regulating digestion, manufacturing vitamins and powering the immune system.

In many instances, eating fermented foods as a primary source of beneficial bacteria can help heal the gut if no severe bacterial infection or imbalance exists. When the imbalance is severe and pathogenic bacteria, yeast and parasites have taken over, there is a way to restore bacterial balance to even the worst cases.

Can’t believe that poop can heal? It’s better than a pill.

Most people don’t know that some probiotic supplements use baby stool as the original source of beneficial bacteria.

The problem with using supplements to fix a severe case of bacterial imbalance is that the manufacturing, storage and shipping process can kill some of the live bacteria in the pill, making it a weak remedy.  There is no way to tell how much active bacteria there is in a supplement without laboratory testing.

Another issue with probiotic supplements is that they tend to contain one dominant strain instead of the multiple strains promised on the label. While all the strains are originally included in the pill, one dominant bacterial strain can crowd out or kill the less vigorous bacterial strains in the capsule.

Lastly, probiotic supplements have to go through the whole digestive system to implant themselves in the gut. Some bacteria can get damaged by gastric juices or an acid body environment and never make it to its destination. Injecting bacteria through the rectum assures that more good bacteria survive, implant and multiply.

Replenishing beneficial bacteria is not as simple as popping a probiotic pill, especially after a nasty infection or prolonged antibiotics use. 

That’s why I’ve filmed this video to explain a bit more about this promising, last resort treatment. It provides a beacon of hope if traditional treatments like dietary change or rest/stress reduction don’t work.

Fecal transplant therapy is a safe, natural and affordable procedure with no known side effects. However, there can be dangers.

There is possibility to transfer parasites, worms and other infectious agents. While the stool is tested for most pathogens, including HIV, not all infectious agents can be detected by current testing.

However, this risk is low and on the upside, this procedure has saved many people who were suffering with serious antibiotic resistant infections.

Let me know in the comments below if you would consider trying this cutting edge therapy. Why or why not?




Angela Privin is proof that IBS is NOT an incurable disease, but a cry for help from a gut out of balance. When the body AND mind are complaining, it’s an opportunity to examine what’s not working and change it. After solving her own IBS mystery almost two decades ago, Angela became as a health coach to help others. Angela uses root cause medicine protocols personalized to the individual to solve each IBS mystery. Her tools are lab testing, dietary changes, supplementation, subconscious mind work and nervous system rebalancing . Learn more here.