Perfectionism and the gut



The gut-perfection connection

I’ll admit it. I’ve been a perfectionist all my life.

Not about everything, just the things I really care about.

One way perfectionism shows up in my life is procrastination. Not normally a procrastinator, I notice this tendency surface when I want  results to be perfect, but am overwhelmed by the demands.

Ironically, and weirdly, I’ve been a bit perfectionist about this blog post, sitting on it for much longer than usual, trying to get it just right.

You see this blog post is a big deal because in the midst of writing it I made an amazing discovery about the relationship between perfectionism and the gut. Here it is:

I’ve noticed through experience, that people with IBS have something in common. They all describe themselves as perfectionists. I know this patten holds true, but I didn’t understand why.

I understand that perfectionism exacerbates gut problems. The feelings of not being good enough, high expectations, the stress of failure and pushing yourself  past your limits all have obvious emotional and physical impacts on digestion.  But this doesn’t explain why IBS types are like that in the first place.

And then I read the Mood Cure by Julia Ross, and had an “aha” moment.

Ross is an expert body chemistry and mood disorders and writes in her book that perfectionism is a classic symptom of low serotonin.  So is obsessiveness, which drives perfectionist tendencies further.


Did you let that sink in yet?


Now consider that most of the serotonin in the body is produced in the gut! In fact, some people theorize that IBS is a result of serotonin imbalance in the gut. I don’t believe that, but I do think that serotonin imbalance sets the stage for IBS. But it doesn’t mean digestive symptoms will occur.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that regulates mood and emotion. It also influences cravings for carbs, self esteem, pain tolerance and sleep habits. There’s also a connection between low serotonin and conditions like Season Affect Disorder (SAD) and eating disorders  like anorexia/bulimia. Lack of serotonin can cause depression, anxiety, pessimism and irritability.

People are either born with low serotonin production or lower it through stress, diet and bad habits.

Isn’t this the “perfect” ending to my “IBS type” series?

First we looked at the sensitive nervous system of people with IBS. Then we examined how metabolic type can predispose some people to IBS. Now we dive into the relationship between perfectionism, IBS and serotonin.


Isn’t perfectionism a good thing?


One can argue that striving to be perfect helps you be and do you best, right? Calling it perfectionism puts a positive spin on it, but there are negative elements associated with a perfectionist attitude, such as being overly controlling and not being able to let go.

I’m not judging, believe me, I’m right there with you. I suffer from this too. Which makes me wonder about my own serotonin levels? There are tests available to get a clearer picture of your chemistry.


serotonin and IBS

How perfectionism effects your health


One of my first blog posts indirectly discussed perfectionism and how it effects the body. It resonated with people, who left lots of comments and sympathies with my perfectionist struggles.

With perfectionism comes high expectations and a high risk of failure. If you’re shooting for perfect, expect disappointment, stress and comparison. Does that sound healthy?

Stress lowers serotonin availability in the body even more! For us sensitive, emotional types, pursuing perfection is a losing battle. The fall out of perfection far outweighs the positives. We know this, of course, intellectually, but reason is useless because in the end, it’s all driven by body chemistry.

The pull of perfectionism feels too strong, even if it means pushing yourself when you should rest, or trying to control the uncontrollable. It means living in a low level state of disappointment with what is and berating ourselves for how we are.

This is no way live, especially for anxiety types. It’s a cruel joke, this need to overcompensate for our own chemistry.

There are many ways to boost serotonin in the body, which I’ll write about in next week’s post. But meanwhile, here are some useful ways to deal with perfectionism when it threatens your health or quality of life.


How to tackle perfectionism

This is how perfectionism can show up in your body: restricted breathing, muscle tension, compromised peristalsis (intestinal contractions), over production of cortisol (stress hormone) and teeth grinding.

Notice that many of these functions are involuntary. A deeply contracted and tense body will disrupt lymphatic flow and the body’s ability to detoxify or truly, deeply relax.

Perfectionism often feels like the inability to let go, which can manifest physically as constipation or holding onto toxic thoughts/emotions.

You can’t tell a perfectionist to stop being perfect, because they’ll try to do it perfectly. So if you identify with this blog post, don’t try repress your perfectionist tendencies. It will backfire. If you try to suppress it, it will only grow and persist.

Here is a better way, I learned from my practice of Chi Gong.  When perfectionism comes up, simply observe it in action without judging. Notice your thoughts and emotions. Write them down so you can start spotting patterns.

Then notice how you feel in your body. Where’s the tension of perfectionism living? In your shoulders, solar plexus, ankles? Is there an area of your body that is tight, restricted or buzzing?

If you find a sensation, try to relax it. If breath is short, deepen it. If shoulders are tight, relax them. Don’t try to hard.

If this is difficult then just stay with step 1 of noticing the thoughts that come up. If you really pay attention you may notice how ridiculous that inner perfectionist conversation really is. But don’t judge it. Just notice it.

This practice won’t shift your tendency to be a perfectionist but it can shift your reaction to it. You might find eventually that you don’t have to play along with perfectionist urges.

And remember perfectionism can be disguised as other things, like compulsiveness, procrastination, desire for productivity, need for speed (impatience) or the desire to control.

It can show up in weird ways or unexpected areas of your life. Learn about your personal flavor of perfection and what triggers it.  How do you measure yourself?


The opposite of perfection

The opposite of perfection is surrender. You completely relax and go with the flow. You are not too attached to outcome, you’re just along for the ride, feeling confident you can handle whatever arises.

Does that sound like crazy talk to you? Yeah, me too.

Being out of control and going with the flow is scary as hell.  So that’s why I practice it in the safest way possible. I simply lie down on the floor and practice letting go of my body tension so energy can flow uninterrupted. This is how I surrender to life, safely in my bedroom with a blanket and eye pillow for extra comfort.

This teaches my body how to let go when it is safe to do so. And it also happens to boost serotonin production while you’re at it. A win win.

Next week we’ll talk about how amino acids, like tryptophan and 5 HTP can balance serotonin.

We’ll also discuss how quitting caffeine, not skipping meals, reducing stress, getting more sunlight/exercise and eating a diet high in protein/fat and low in grains/ sugar can help balance serotonin.

And if all else fails, try a little bit of gratitude practice. Thinking about things you are grateful for boosts serotonin naturally.




Angela Privin is proof that IBS is NOT an incurable disease, but a cry for help from a gut out of balance. When the body AND mind are complaining, it’s an opportunity to examine what’s not working and change it. After solving her own IBS mystery almost two decades ago, Angela became as a health coach to help others. Angela uses root cause medicine protocols personalized to the individual to solve each IBS mystery. Her tools are lab testing, dietary changes, supplementation, subconscious mind work and nervous system rebalancing . Learn more here.


  1. I can only relax and go with the flow and feel confident that I can handle whatever arises if I know someone is taking care of me. Because there are many variables which are I cannot control. So, when I think about this I think who can take care of me? Myself? No, I know I do not know 100% of knowledge and I never will. Plus I am human and make mistakes as well as flat out do what I know is wrong. How about other people? Well they are human too! So for me that leaves God who I have found to be trustworthy. He does have 100% knowledge. He doesn’t do things wrong. He always loves me, and looks out for my best. When I read the Bible I get excited about all the good he wants to do for me! “Beloved I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in good health even as your soul prospereth.” (3 John !:2) “For God so loved the world (me and you!) that he gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16).

    Thank you for sharing about serotonin! Very fascinating!

    1. Thank you so much for your comment Kristie. I believe that faith in a high power, whatever that higher power is, can raise serotonin levels and relax the body and mind. I personally have a spiritual practice that connects me to the whole universe and makes me feel like I am not alone. Faith and compassion are as powerful a medicine as anything man made. Thank you for your comment and for reading. I appreciate it.

  2. Illness is caused by deficiency and/or toxicity. IBS is an illness, and it’s much more than a simple nervous stomach condition…food allergy, maybe disrupting absorption of vitamins and minerals. They just haven’t figured it out yet.

    1. Thank you for your comment Cheryl. I never implied that IBS was a nervous stomach disorder. IBS is not an illness it’s just a medical classification made by doctors. People are diagnosed with IBS when doctors don’t know what’s worng. My belief is that IBS is an imbalance of one of the body systems that effects digestion. It could be liver toxicity, adrenal fatigue, bacterial overgrowth, etc. Everyone is lumped under one category and the secret is to figure out what the underlying cause of your particular imbalance is. There will never be a universal IBS cure because there is no IBS. It’s just about getting your particular body imbalance back into balance. Thank you so much for reading and for your thoughtful and insightful comment.

  3. Oh my goodness- this post actually made me cry…. I swear you are writing about ME all over this post. It is so good to know there is hope, and to not feel so alone…

    1. I am so happy that this post resonated with you. It was such a relief to me too when I learned about it and was so happy to share. Thank you so much for your comment.

  4. I’m just catching up with this series, Angela, and it’s brilliant! Thank you so much. Hypersensitive, vata, perfectionist — that’s me! And it’s great to feel your support and learn from your experience. I especially love reading about what you learn from your chi gong practice. These sentences from a February post were life altering: “I also learned how contractive discipline and pushing myself was…I realized that will power and pushing to get things done, weakened my body over time. These contractive states take massive energy and require massive rest and recovery.” They were so important I put them in my journal, which is how I happen to have them at hand!

    1. Betsey, I can’t tell you how amazing it was to read your comment. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience with me. I am so glad that the things I have learned through Chi Gong have resonated with you. I am so happy to support like-minded, and like-bodied people. Life can be a bit more challenging for sensitive types but we have so many gifts to bring to the world once we figure out how to navigate our unique challenges. I can’t tell you how much your comment has meant to me. Thank you so much for reading and for commenting. It brings me a great deal of joy to have you as part of this community.

  5. […] While researching the issue I discovered the hidden cause for my grinding. Low serotonin production. Last week, I wrote about the connection between perfectionism, low serotonin and IBS. […]

  6. Hi Angela, thank you very much for this post. I just discovered your blog and love the way you put things. I’ve been looking into Paleo and SCD to heal my IBS and depression and anxiety for a year now, after exploring yoga and meditation, and it’s the first time I see both practices so entwined together. It makes real sense to me, because I always felt such a great relief for my anxiety through yoga practice. But the common dietary recommendation that go with yoga is vegetarianism. And then Paleo did me a lot of good, but Paleo folks usually only pay lip service to yoga and meditation. I love that you explore both. I’ll be visiting!

    1. I like to mix and match my healing modalities to fit my own personal needs and don’t it when those things are dictated to me by others. Always find your own healing path that feel right for you and your body. Thanks for visiting and thanks so much for your comment Bonnie.

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