Can copper toxicity make IBS worse?

Many people e-mail me to ask what I did specifically to heal my gut so completely?

I’ve been pretty transparent about most of it. I spent a year eating a strict Paleo diet that excluded nuts, dried fruit, and ALL sugar except for fresh fruit. But there’s a little bit more to the story. So I’ll get really specific about what I did.

I’ve been hesitant to discuss this because, in the last few years, I’ve had a few doubts about my diagnosis. But I decided to share my story because there may be something to it, and it may hold the missing piece of the healing puzzle for someone out there.

When I met my nutritionist, she asked me a few questions and then told me I had copper toxicity (also known as copper overload or copper imbalance).  She also suffered from the same issue and had healed herself. She said both of us got it from taking the birth control pill, as well as being a bit prone to retaining copper.

I took a lab hair sample test to confirm her theory. It came back showing extremely low levels of copper. My nutritionist said it confirmed the diagnosis.  Levels show up as low when copper is being stored in the liver instead of circulating freely in blood to be excreted.

Copper toxicity is not recognized by mainstream medicine and few people in the alternative health world discuss it. But I trusted my nutritionist because the protocol she put me on worked beautifully. After years of searching I finally found something that worked.

Looking back, there may have been other reasons why the Paleo protocol healed my gut, even without copper issues.

Yet there still might be some validity to copper zinc imbalance. And it is part of my story.

The people who should pay attention to this blog post are former or current vegetarians or vegans who are likely deficient in zinc.  Vegetarians who eat eggs are at lesser risk.

Also at high risk are women who’ve been on the birth control pill or taken estrogen raising medications or who’ve had a history of eating disorders or chronic dieting/calorie restriction.

I want to emphasize that I had IBS before going on the birth control pill and becoming a raw food vegan. But after doing these two things my symptoms got so much worse! A whole new level of pain and misery.

What is copper overload/imbalance?

Copper is a mineral that’s in our food and vitamins (mostly from vegetarian sources) and in our environment (copper pipes,  unfiltered drinking water, pesticides, copper IUDs).

Copper isn’t a problem if it’s naturally balanced by abundant levels of zinc in the body. There must be a higher ratio of zinc to copper to prevent copper from accumulating.

When zinc get depleted and copper levels rise, the body stores excess copper in the liver so it doesn’t overwhelm blood levels. Copper stored in the liver can cause digestive issues, hormonal imbalance or headaches. But the most prevalent symptom of copper overload is anxiety. This can manifest as a racing mind and fatigued body, insomnia or full blown panic attacks.

Zinc is lowered by:

Not eating enough animal protein
Drinking alcohol
Chronic stress or trauma
Eating sugar and grains
Taking medications like antacids, Zantac, Tagamet and cortisone.

Copper is raised by:

Not enough zinc to balance it
Eating too many copper rich foods, like beans, nuts, soy, chocolate, avocados, black tea/coffee and shell fish
Taking medications that raise estrogen or slow the liver’s detox function.
Drinking unfiltered water, eating produce with pesticides and chronic dieting (which slows metabolism and detox function)

Other causes of copper imbalance

One of the biggest trends I’ve seen in the IBS population is how many former vegetarians develop IBS. Almost as common in the IBS population are people with former eating disorders. When I hear about this I can’t help but think about copper imbalance.

There’s also a close relationship between copper overload and adrenal fatigue, since stress can deplete zinc and burn out the adrenal glands. Luckily, both adrenal fatigue and copper toxicity are treated in a similar fashion. More animal protein and healthy fats, rest, no grain and refined sugar consumption, and eating regularly.

Some people are more prone to retaining copper than others. The characteristics of a copper retaining type includes reddish hair/skin or copper highlights (that’s me) as well as being highly creative with a tendency towards mood swings, anxiety and living in your head.

And then there are those who have genetic issues that prevents them from properly processing copper in the body due to methylation issues. When copper retention gets extreme it’s recognized by modern medicine as Wilson’s disease.

You can test for copper toxicity by getting a hair sample analysis test or taking a 24 hour urine sample test.

Or if you’re a DIY experimental type, like me, you can remove copper-rich foods from your diet to see if you feel any better. Also try increasing zinc-rich foods like red meat and pumpkin seeds. And managing stress is important for not depleting zinc levels.

Do this for a minimum of 3 weeks to gauge accurate results. It takes time for the body to adjust to something that’s working.

These days, I can eat high copper foods like chocolate, avocados and crab without a problem. But I also avoid refined sugar, eat plenty of lamb/beef  and manage my stress with chi gong, yoga nidra and walking my dogs. Copper imbalance is no longer an issue or concern for me.

But if you fit one of the high risk groups above and this rings an intuitive bell for you,  you might want to read up on the topic.

Why Am I Always So Tired?” is a great book about Copper overload by Ann Louise Gittleman.

gittlemanShe says in her book that copper imbalance is the underlying issue of health conditions like yeast overgrowth (candida), PMS, and a run down immune system (the immune system needs zinc to function properly).

How to balance copper in the body

As I mentioned, healing copper imbalance takes a similar approach as healing digestion and the adrenals (low sugar, high protein, lots of rest). You can heal all three systems in one swoop, with a bit of extra attention to avoiding copper containing foods.

Nuts are one of those foods that are legal on Paleo but would have prevented me from healing. Copper or not, I just know nuts are not great for my body.

Now that I am healed, I do eat shrimp, oysters, clams, lobster and crab, but not a lot. Oysters, are the highest source of copper there is, but I can handle them in moderation.

Because liver health is central in releasing copper from the body, lots of rest, lemon juice and bitter greens can help support the liver to work better. I took chlorella for a year to support my liver, but getting rest was just as important.

Cilantro is a miracle herb that removes heavy metals from the body. One of my healing staples was cilantro and pumpkin seed pesto. Leave out the raw garlic if you are FODMAP intolerant.

Infrared saunas are one of the best way to detoxify heavy metals, like copper, from the body. Look around for a spa near you that offers half hour sessions.

And though I have never tried this myself, coffee enemas are effective at clearing the body of heavy metals. You can do coffee enemas at home in the shower. They can help with fatigue, liver detox and even constipation. This is not a personal recommendation, just passing on info I’ve learned from others.

How common is copper overload?

I’m not sure how many people suffer from copper overload, and I’m not suggesting you have it. But it may be an issue for some. If you fit the copper type and highest risk group, and this hits home for you, I suggest you research it further.

So now you know EXACTLY what I did to heal myself. I went Paleo, I avoided copper-rich foods, I rested and took supplements for a whole year. I was very focused and strict.

I put my health first and envisioned total recovery. This was the foundation of why I healed so completely and have never had digestive issues again.

Happy to respond to any questions in the comments below.



Angela Privin is proof that IBS is NOT an incurable disease, but a cry for help from a gut out of balance. When the body AND mind are complaining, it’s an opportunity to examine what’s not working and change it. After solving her own IBS mystery almost two decades ago, Angela became as a health coach to help others. Angela uses root cause medicine protocols personalized to the individual to solve each IBS mystery. Her tools are lab testing, dietary changes, supplementation, subconscious mind work and nervous system rebalancing . Learn more here.


  1. Thanks for sharing more about your story, Angela. It is helpful to hear any more ins and outs of possible contributors to our health problems.

    Two questions for you.
    (1) Was a nutritionist the only practitioner that advised you through this and during your year of rest? After going through the gamut of tests and doctors, I am at a loss of even what *type* of practitioner I might be looking for now to help me through.
    (2) In your story you mentioned the focus on liver detox during your year of rest. Was this advised by your nutritionist mainly because of the suspected copper overload (and hence might not be needed for everyone), or is liver detox generally needed for just about everyone?

    1. Hi Kat, nice to hear from you. The nutritionist was the ONLY practitioner I saw. If you are confused just ask your gut what feels right to it, ask “should I see (fill in the blank) and wait for an emotional response. The gut is the wisest part of you. Learning to listen takes a little bit of practice. Liver detox is generally needed by everyone because we live in a toxic world and a world where we don’t stop moving. This is what irritates the liver so everyone could definitely use a liver tune up in my opinion. The liver is the hardest working organ in the body and needs our support when it gets over worked. Hope that helps. Lots of luck to you.

  2. What supplements did you find beneficial? Were there any supplements you avoided?

    1. Hi Julie, I am not a fan of supplements in general. I think healing can be done without them.

  3. […] If you’d like to know more about copper overload, I blog about it here. […]

  4. Hello Angela,

    Thank you for your inpsiring blog. It has been very helpful to me as I have begun my healing journey. I recently read your eBook and could not believe that our symptoms were nearly identical! The whole churning solar plexus thing has been such a mysterious frustration to me, and I have never heard of anyone else experiencing such a symptom! I am just a couple of days into the actual Intro Diet of the SCD protocol, but have been inspired to follow your advice regarding your diet. If the symtoms that you had, that are identical to mine, were healed using your diet, then I am willing to give it a go. I did have a few questions, though, regarding your restrictions.
    1. You mentioned no beans. Did you allow soaked lentils?
    2. You mentioned no refined sugar, fruit juice, or dried fruit. Did you allow honey?
    3. You mentioned no dairy, except plain yogurt. Would the 24 hour SCD yogurt be OK?
    Thank you again for your time, wisdom, and encouragement. I look forward to happy, healthy days, and may many blessings come your way.


    1. Hi Anna, glad you find the blog helpful. I have met a few other people with the same solar plexus symptom those it is a rare one. To answer your questions: 1) Absolutely no beans, not even soaked beans of any sort. I think that peas, snowpeas and green beans are an exception. 2) No honey. My diet was really, really strict. I was a sugar free girl. My only taste of sweetness was fresh fruit!! I also made a “fudge” our of carob that was naturally sweet. But no maple syrup or honey. 3) Yes, SCD yogurt is wonderful. It is fermented a long time so it is lactose free. Homemade is always best. Much luck to you on your healing journey, keep in touch and let me know how it is going.

  5. Angela,

    Thank you so much for such a prompt, kind, and thorough response. I appreciate your candid nature, and find it really helpful. I find it much easier to work with strict parameters (such as no sugar, period) than having to do guess work about every tiny little thing, so thank you for that clarity. If it is not too much trouble, I have one final question: do to the lactose and (and supposed 99.9% casein free) credentials of ghee, did you allow that into your non dairy solution?
    Thanks again for your help. I will continue to draw wisdom and encouragement from your blog, and will check in agian once things are rolling.

    1. I did eat a little bit of ghee, but everyone’s body is different. Mine could tolerate it but check in with your own body to see what she can tolerate.

  6. Perfect. Thanks.

  7. Thanks for sharing this story. I suffer from copper toxicity myself, because of a copper IUD. Life has been hell for the last year… What DID help me, was the hair mineral analysis. Rest, and change of diet. Google “copper iud support Group” and you will find me and 400 other ladies out there…
    Copper toxicity is awful to go through, but indeed, there is hope!! I am much better now than I was 6 months ago!

    1. So glad to hear it. I am totally in support of support groups. Thank you for raising awareness about copper IUDs.

  8. Feeling grateful to have stumbled upon your site and this post at this time since I recently found out that my copper levels are way high. I am emailing you with more info but am so happy you shared this ! I can understand the fear of others not understanding or thinking this is really out there.

    1. Glad this helped. You are definitely not alone.

  9. Hi I was wondering what liver cleanse you used? And how long you do it? When you were healing you too no supplements?

  10. Hi Gabriel, I did not use a liver cleanse product if that is what you are asking. I simply made lifestyle and diet changes to support my liver’s healing process. I did take supplements that were prescribed and managed by my nutritionist.

  11. […] A personalized version of the Paleo diet brought me back to health after one year. You can read the details my personal story here. […]

  12. Hi i am curious since you said you took supplements to heal but have not mentioned which ones. I understand its an individual process but can you please list the supplements you did take during the healing protocol just to give me an idea? Thank you so much!

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